We Offer A Helping Hand for Homeowners in Need.
Currently, the program is fully subscribed. Applications for assistance are no longer being accepted.
Housing counselors are available to discuss your situation, provide guidance on next steps, or meet with you to help develop a plan specific to your needs. Please click here to find one near you.

Who is eligible for the Delaware Mortgage Relief Program?
Homeowners may be eligible for assistance through the Delaware Mortgage Relief Program if they meet the following:
Own and occupy their home in Delaware as their primary residence.
The homeowner/borrower must have experienced a pandemic-related financial hardship that occurred after January 21, 2020, such as lost income or increased expenses.
Household income at or below 150% Area Median Income (AMI) for mortgage relief. Click here to find your AMI.
Household income at or below 80% Area Median Income (AMI) for home repairs. Click here to find your AMI.
Home Repair applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until the $3 million runs out.
Homeowner’s first mortgage is a conforming loan and meets the federal limits for the year in which the loan was originated.
- Homeowners who are more than 30 days delinquent on their mortgage.
frequently asked questions
What can the relief funds be used for?
Designed to offer a one-time payment on behalf of a qualified homeowner to pay delinquent mortgage arrears and/or another resolution to right-size future mortgage payments to levels affordable to the homeowner.
In addition to avoid imminent displacement due to but not limited to: Tax delinquency; eligible utilities are water and sewer only; and home repairs.
**The program currently does not cover electricity
How much assistance
can I apply for?
Each Homeowner will be eligible for up to $50,000 in mortgage relief to be used only for the homeowner’s primary residence. Home repair grants are capped at $20,000.